University of California San Francisco

Rotation Details

Program OverviewEligibility Recruitment and Selection PolicyHow to ApplyRotation Details | Graduate PlacementSurgical Skills Center

PGY1 Rotations:

  • Kaiser General Surgery
  • Mission Bay Colorectal/Endoscopy
  • Mission Bay HPB-GI-Skin-Soft Tissue Oncology
  • UCSF Complex General Surgery
  • UCSF General Surgery/Acute Care Surgery
  • UCSF Kidney Transplant
  • UCSF Liver Transplant
  • UCSF Vascular
  • VA or UCSF Cardiothoracic
  • ZSFG Neurosurgery
  • ZSFG Trauma/General Surgery
  • Vacation: 1 month

Objective: The resident’s principal role is to gather information, learn to assess its significance and begin learning basic invasive and operative techniques. The opportunities for this level of resident to show interpretive skills are limited to simple clinical settings. At this level the faculty expects the resident to report completely on the status of patients and their treatment plans, but not to develop these plans for the patients.

PGY2 Rotations:

  • CPMC General Surgery
  • Mission Bay Pediatric Surgery
  • UCSF On Call Liver Transplant
  • UCSF Thoracic Surgery
  • VA General Surgery
  • VA Vascular Surgery
  • ZSFG Critical Care
  • ZSFG Trauma/General Surgery
  • Vacation: 1 month

Objective: The resident is put in positions where it is necessary for him/her to determine what clinical information will be collected in various clinical situations and to direct more junior residents in obtaining these data. At this level the resident is developing the ability to judge appropriateness and significance of data, as well as the ability to organize an approach to various clinical situations, and should be able to remain at least abreast of any clinical situation. In the invasive and technical skills sphere, the resident is placed in the position of performing slightly more difficult procedures,that require mastery of the basic skills. At this level of training, the faculty expects the resident to be able to report completely and accurately on the status of patients and to outline the basics of a plan for the next phase of the patient’s care. 

PGY3 Rotations:

  • Kaiser General Surgery
  • Mission Bay Breast Surgery
  • Mission Bay Colorectal/Endoscopy
  • Mission Bay Pediatric Surgery
  • UCSF General Surgery/Acute Care Surgery
  • UCSF Kidney Transplant
  • UCSF Vascular Surgery
  • ZSFG Trauma/General Surgery
  • Vacation: 1 month

PGY4 Rotations:

  • CPMC General Surgery
  • Kaiser General Surgery
  • Mission Bay Colorectal/Endoscopy
  • Mount Zion Endocrine
  • ZSFG Critical Care
  • ZSFG Trauma/General Surgery
  • Elective: 1 month
  • Vacation: 1 month 

Objective: The resident is expected to expand considerably his/her fund of surgical knowledge, specifically concerning diagnosis of diseases and the approaches to operative and non-operative management, and to develop the ability to accurately and appropriately apply this knowledge to clinical situations. The resident is placed in positions of leadership on the clinical services, where successful function requires that he/she be able to completely synthesize information, apply the relevant knowledge and supervise the more junior residents. In addition, the resident is expected to competently perform basic, mid-level and some more advanced level operations, and should be able to complete some of the basic procedures and portions of the more difficult procedures independently. By now the resident should be able to be ahead of any clinical situation, anticipating the next development. At this level of training the faculty expects the resident to be able to completely report on the status of patients, interpret the clinical situation accurately, devise an appropriate plan to complete/confirm the assessment and choose a treatment, showing an understanding of the basis for the choice

PGY5 (Chief) Rotations:

  • Mission Bay HPB-GI-Skin-Soft Tissue Oncology
  • UCSF Complex General Surgery
  • UCSF Minimally Invasive/Bariatric/Foregut
  • VA Vascular Surgery
  • ZSFG Trauma/General Surgery
  • Elective: 1 month
  • Vacation: 1 month

Objective: At the final level of the training, the resident is expected to have mastered the accumulation of appropriate and complete clinical data, the application of surgical knowledge to the interpretation of this data, the formulation of an appropriate and complete treatment plan, and the ability to carry out the treatment plan. The resident should now be in control of the clinical situation. At this stage, the resident must also demonstrate a knowledge of the nuances of operative technique and a knowledge of subtleties of operative procedures used to refine the conduct of an operation in a given clinical situation. Residents at this level are placed in the position of running a service, where successful performance requires they have the ability to perform all of the tasks described above and appropriately supervise the residents at all other levels on the service.