University of California San Francisco


Simone Langness, M.D. is currently a clinical fellow in trauma and emergency surgery at the University of California, San Francisco. Dr. Langness obtained her M.D. from Emory University and thereafter completed residency in general surgery at the University of California, San Diego.





University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, B.S., Physiology, 2006

Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, M.D., 2011



University of California, San Diego, San Diego, California, Internship - General Surgery, 2011

University of California, San Diego, San Diego, California, Residency - General Surgery, 2018

Surgical Critical Care
Start Year
End Year
Trauma & Emergency Surgery
Start Year
End Year

Clinical Interests


Critical Care

Surgical Outcomes

Cost Effectiveness

System Design

Book Chapters

Langness S, Broderick R, Ramamoorthy S. Robotic Colectomy, in: Robotic Surgery for the General Surgeon, D Oleynikov ed., Nova Science Publishers, 191-200, 2014.

Liu S, Harnsberger C, Langness S, Ramamoorthy S. Robotic Total Abdominal Colectomy and Robotic Left Colectomy, in: The SAGES Manual of Robotic Surgery, A Patel, D Oleynikov eds., Springer International Publishing, Ch 20, 2017.


Surgeon Optimization: Learning to Work Smarter. UC San Diego General Surgery Grand Rounds. San Diego, California. 5/30/2018.

Cost-Saving Potential of Improved Patient Selection for Neuroimaging Following Pediatric Blunt Head Trauma. Pediatric Trauma Society. Nashville, Tennessee. 11/14/2016. Oral Presentation.

D-dimer May Significantly Reduce Unnecessary CT Scans in Pediatric Head Trauma: A Potential for PECARN+. American Association for the Society of Trauma. Waikoloa, Hawaii. 9/14/2016. Oral Presentation

Hardheaded Teens: the Financial Impact of Unhelmeted Skateboarding Injuries. Trauma Conference International. San Diego, Califortnia. 7/14/2016. Oral Presentation.

Low D-Dimer Predicts the Absence of Intracranial Hemorrhage in Pediatric Blunt Head Trauma. UCSD Annual Research Symposium. San Diego, California. 6/14/2016. Poster.

Enteric Glia Cells are Critical to Limiting the Inflammatory Response After Injury. UCSD Annual Research Symposium. San Diego, California. 6/14/2016. Oral Presentation.

The Biologic Consequences of the Human-Specific CHRFAM7A Gene When Expressed in Human Leukocytes. Shock Society. Austin, Texas. 6/12/2016. Poster.

Operative Outcomes for Appendicitis in Children

Enteric Glia Cells are Critical to Limiting the Inflammatory Response After Injury. Surgical Infection Society. West Palm Beach, Florida. 5/19/2016. Plenary Presentation.

Low D-Dimer Predicts the Absence of Intracranial Hemorrhage in Pediatric Blunt Head Trauma. American Pediatric Surgery Association, San Diego, California, 5/16/2015. Plenary Presentation.

Does Your Appendectomy Cost More Than Mine? An Analysis of Costs Associated with Practice Pattern Variation. American Pediatric Surgery Association, San Diego, California, 5/16/2016. Poster.

Effects of Laparoscopy on Intraoperative Heat Loss in Pediatric Patients. Pacific Association of Pediatric Surgery, Kauai, Hawaii. 4/26/2016. Poster.

Progression of Intracranial Hemorrhage in Cirrhotic Patients with Traumatic Brain Injuries Does Not Account for Increased Mortality. Southwest Surgical Congress, Coronado, California, 4/3/2016. Oral Presentation.

Monocyte Differentiation Alters CHRFAM7A: Implications for a Human-Specific Inflammatory Response. Academic Surgical Congress. Jacksonville, Florida. 2/2/2015. Podium Presentation.

A Comparison of Treatment Options for Adolescent Breast Masses: Observant Versus Excision. Southern California Chapter of the American College of Surgeons. Santa Barbara, California. 1/16/2016. Poster Presentation.

The human-macrophage response and the profile of human-specific gene expression in a humanized-mouse model of inflammation. American Society for Cell Biology. San Diego, California. 12/15/2015. Poster.

Progression of Intracranial Hemorrhage in Cirrhotic Patients with Trauma Brain Injury Does Not Account for Increased Mortality. Committee on Trauma, Regional Resident Paper Competition. Las Vegas, Nevada. 12/5/2015. Podium Presentation.

Enteric Glia Cells are Critical to Limiting the Inflammatory Response After Injury. Committee on Trauma, Regional Resident Paper Competition. Las Vegas, Nevada. 12/5/2015. Podium Presentation.

Surgical Management of Traumatic Bowel Injuries in the Pediatric Population: Experience Over 7 Years. Pediatric Trauma Society. Phoenix, Arizona. 11/7/2015. Podium Presentation.

Low D-Dimer Predicts the Absence of Intracranial Hemorrhage in Pediatric Blunt Head Trauma. Ed Quigley Clinical Research Symposium, Rady Children’s Hospital. San Diego, CA. 11/5/2015. Poster.

Does Your Appendectomy Cost More Than Mine? An Analysis of Costs Associated with Practice Pattern Variation. Ed Quigley Clinical Research Symposium, Rady Children’s Hospital. San Diego, CA. 11/5/2015. Poster.

Extracellular Microvesicles as Potential Mediators of the Gut-Derived Systemic Inflammatory Response. American College Surgeons, Surgical Forum. Chicago, Illinois. 10/6/2015. Podium Presentation

Indications and Outcomes of Temporary Abdominal Closure in Pediatric Surgery. International Symposium of Pediatric Surgery Research. Dublin, Ireland. 9/25/2015. Poster Presentation

Modulating the Biologic Activity of Mesenteric Lymph After Traumatic Shock Decreases Systemic Inflammation and End Organ Injury. American Association for the Surgery of Trauma. Las Vegas, Nevada. 9/9/2015. Poster.

Modulating the Biologic Activity of Mesenteric Lymph After Traumatic Shock Decreases Systemic Inflammation and End Organ Injury. UCSD Annual Research Symposium. San Diego, California. 6/9/2015.

Isolated Traumatic Brain Injury in Patients with Cirrhosis: Do Different Treatment Paradigms Result in Increased Mortality? Southwest Surgical Congress. Monterey, California. 4/27/2015. Podium Presentation.

Shedding of Cell Surface Ecrg4 from CD16+ Neutrophils after Burn Injury. American Burn Association. Chicago, Illinois. 4/22/15. Poster.

Incidence and Risk Factors for C. difficile Infection in the Pediatric Surgery Population. Surgical Infection Society. Westlake Village, California. 3418/2015. Poster.

Significance of Microperforation in Pediatric Appendicitis. Surgical Infection Society. Westlake Village, California. 4/18/2015. Poster.

The Vagus Nerve Mediates the Neural Stem Cell Response to Intestinal Injury. Surgical Infection Society. Westlake Village, California. 4/16/2015. Plenary Presentation.

The Vagus Nerve Mediates the Neural Stem Cell Response to Intestinal Injury. American College Surgeons, Committee on Trauma National Resident Trauma Paper Competition. Chicago, Illinois. 3/13/2015.

The alpha-7 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Mediates the Inflammatory Response to Severe Burn. 10th Annual Academic Surgical Congress. Las Vegas, Nevada. 2/4/15.

Pediatric Breast Tubular Adenoma: Is Pathology the Only Difference From Fibroadenoma? Southern California Chapter of the American College of Surgeons. Santa Barbara, California. 1/17/2015.

The Vagus Nerve Mediates the Neural Stem Cell Response to Intestinal Injury. American College Surgeons, Committee on Trauma Region 9 Resident Trauma Paper Competition. San Diego, California. 12/6/2014.

Patient Perspective on Surgical Approach: Who is driving the MIS agenda? American Society of Colon & Rectal Surgeon. Fort Lauderdale, Florida. 5/2014. Platform Presentation.

Patient Perspective on Surgical Approach: Who is driving the MIS agenda? Northwest Society of Colon & Rectal Surgeons. Park City, Utah. 8/2013. Platform Presentation.

Single-Site Laparoscopic Appendectomy: A comparison to traditional laparoscopic technique in children. Southeastern Surgical Congress, Chattanooga, TN. 2/2011. Poster.

Anaplastic Wilms’ Tumor: Molecular Analysis of 7 Cases Using SNP Copy Number Arrays. Society of Pediatric Pathology Fall Meeting, Banff, Canada. 8/2010. Poster

Pediatric Renal Tumors Focusing on Unusual Presentations: A Single Institution’s 35 Year Experience with Review of 340 Cases. Society for Pediatric Pathology Fall Meeting, Banff, Canada. 8/2010. Platform Presentation.

Analysis of Epithelioid Angiomyolipoma using SNP Copy Number Arrays Showing LOH of 16p. Society of Pediatric Pathology Fall Meeting, Banff, Canada. 8/2010. Poster.

Research Narrative

Dr. Langness studied intestinal inflammation after ischemia/reperfusion injury and the effects of vagal nerve stimulation at the University of California, San Diego. Additionally, Simone performed clinical research in pediatric head trauma. Her work received awards from the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma, Surgical Infection Society and American Association of Pediatric Surgeons.

Research Interests

Surgical Outcomes

Pediatric Head Trauma

System Design