University of California San Francisco

UCSF Department of Surgery
November 20, 2019

 Halloween 2019 Mashup

The Department of Surgery Staff Engagement Committee hosted the Second Annual Department of Surgery Staff Halloween Celebration on Wednesday, October 30th. The event brought staff from Parnassus, Mission Bay, Mt. Zion, and ZSFG to celebrate Halloween at the Faculty Alumni House.


The two-hour long event included lunch catered by Senor Sisig; a costume contest; decorative pumpkin painting; trick or treat candy; and the opportunity to mingle with co-workers from other Divisions within the Department of Surgery. Nearly half of the staff of the Department of Surgery was able to attend the celebration.

Hallow 4

The smiles on the participants' faces indicated that a good time was had by all!

The Staff Engagement Committee was established with the goal of uniting the staff of the Department of Surgery from all of the various UCSF campuses. While we are spread out around San Francisco, our mission and goals are all the same. The engagement events are conceptualized with the purpose of allowing staff to interact with other staff members in the Department of Surgery. Often, staff only know others through email communication or as voices over the telephone, and face-to-face interactions are severely limited. We encourage personal connections as that will only strengthen us as a cohesive group.

The committee is open to suggestions to make their events bigger and better. Please email the committee at: [email protected] with any of your comments or recommendations.