University of California San Francisco


Dr. Roll is a general surgeon specializing in abdominal organ transplantation. He completed both general surgery training and the abdominal organ transplant fellowship at the University of California San Francisco. 

During his training, Dr. Roll spent 2 years in Dr. Holger Willenbring's laboratory investigating stem cell biology in the context of liver cell therapy, as well as normal and pathologic liver regeneration. His research concentrated on the use of hepatocyte-like cells derived from stem cells to be used in liver cell therapy. In particular, Dr. Roll investigated the regenerative capabilities of hepatocytes derived from induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. They used a genetically deficient mouse model of liver disease as a way to test the functional capabilities of these cells after transplantation. They were able to demonstrate that the profound proliferative capabilities of adult hepatocytes are retained by hepatocytes derived from iPS cells, and transplanting these cells rescued mice with liver failure. Dr. Roll also investigated the role of miRNA in liver regeneration, and the rejection of transplanted hepatocytes and hepatocyte-like cells. The principles of his research will remain valuable in liver and pancreas cell therapy translational science for years.

After fellowship Dr. Roll moved to England to become a Senior International Fellow in Liver Transplant and Multi Organ Procurement at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham, one of the busiest liver transplant departments in the United Kingdom. There he gained valuable experience in the blossoming field of normothermic machine liver perfusion prior to returning to UCSF. 



Boston College, BS, Finance, 1995-1999
Brandeis University, Post Baccalaureate, Premedical, 1999-2001
Temple University School of Medicine, MD, 2001-2005


University of California, San Francisco, General Surgery, 2005-2012

Abdominal Transplant
Start Year
End Year

Board Certifications

American Board of Surgery, General Surgery

Clinical Expertise


Bile Duct Cancer (Cholangiocarcinoma)

Bile Duct Injuries

Bile Duct Strictures

Bridging Therapies to Downstage HCC in Liver Transplant Setting

Choledochal Cysts

Deceased Donor Organ Utilization

Gallbladder Cancer

Kidney Transplantation

Laparoscopic Donor Nephrectomy

Liver Biopsy

Hepatocellular Carcinoma (Primary Liver Cancer)

Liver Cysts

Liver Metastases (Secondary Liver Cancer)

Liver Resection

Liver Transplantation

Living Donor Kidney Transplantation

Living Donor Liver Transplantation

Normothetic Machine Liver Perfusion

Organ Donation of Cardiovascular Death

Pancreas Transplantation

Pediatric Kidney Transplantation

Pediatric Liver Transplantation

Portal Hypertension

Clinical Interests

HBP surgery

Clinical Trials

  1. Related Conditions: Liver Transplant| Start Date: | End Date:
  2. Related Conditions: HIV/AIDS, Kidney Transplant| Start Date: | End Date:

In the News

October, 16, 2015 | UCSF Transplant Surgery

Research Interests

Cell therapy with hepatocytes and hepatocyte-like cells derived from stem cells.
Role of miRNA in liver regeneration

Normothetic machine liver perfusion


  1. Safety and Feasibility of Early Extubation in Liver Transplantation: Experience in 1555 Patients.
    Lacom C, Kothari RP, Mendez NV, Galli A, Roll GR, Bokoch MP, Legrand M, Adelmann D| | PubMed
  2. AAV capsid prioritization in normal and steatotic human livers maintained by machine perfusion.
    Kim JJ, Kurial SNT, Choksi PK, Nunez M, Lunow-Luke T, Bartel J, Driscoll J, Her CL, Dhillon S, Yue W, Murti A, Mao T, Ramos JN, Tiyaboonchai A, Grompe M, Mattis AN, Syed SM, Wang BM, Maher JJ, Roll GR, Willenbring H| | PubMed
  3. Association between bariatric surgery after kidney transplantation and graft and survival outcomes.
    Ku E, McCulloch CE, Roll G, Adey D, Sood P, Posselt A, Grimes BA, Johansen KL| | PubMed
  4. Living Donor Candidates' Self-reported Health and Health Perceptions and Completion of Donor Evaluation: A Cohort Study.
    Ku E, Legaspi S, Copeland TP, Adey DB, Whelan AM, Roll GR, McCulloch CE, Lee BK, Johansen KL| | PubMed
  5. Renal Autotransplantation: Association Between Preoperative Disease Duration and Surgical Outcomes.
    Li KD, Pearce RJ, Sui W, Yang H, Freise C, Roll GR, Chi T, Stoller ML| | PubMed
  6. Dawn has arrived, illuminating thrilling opportunities and fresh challenges in a new era of United States transplantation.
    Hobeika MJ, Roll GR| | PubMed
  7. The type, duration, and severity of pretransplant kidney injury predict prolonged kidney dysfunction after liver transplantation.
    Dixon W, Feng S, Roll GR, Tavakol M, Fenton C, Cullaro G| | PubMed
  8. The future of liver transplantation.
    Feng S, Roll GR, Rouhani FJ, Sanchez Fueyo A| | PubMed
  9. Chapter 44 Use of living donors for HIV-positive transplant candidates.
    Garrett R. Roll, Peter G. Stock| | UCSF Research Profile
  10. Contributors to Volume 2.
    Marwan Abouljoud, Samir Abu-Gazala, Sami Akbulut, Hasan Al Harakeh, Essa M. Aleassa, Saleh A. Alqahtani, Nancy L. Ascher, Massimo Asolati, Federico Aucejo, Yanik J. Bababekov, Talia Baker, Rolf N. Barth, Johanna Bayer, Enrico Benedetti, Claudia Benedetti, Chandra S. Bhati, Deborah Bizzaro, Geoffrey J. Bond, Hillary J. Braun, Christopher E. Broelsch, Dieter C. Broering, Jonathan S. Bromberg, Robert S. Brown, Sara Y. Brucker, James T. Bui, Patrizia Burra, Joaquin Cagliani, Peter D. Carr-Boyd, Marilia Cascalho, Mark S. Cattral, See Ching Chan, Chao-long Chen, Daniel Cherqui, Ruben Ciria, Alice Crane, Paolo Cravedi, Choon Hyuck David Kwon, Catherine de Magnee, Francis L. Delmonico, Gregory De Prisco, Caterina Di Bella, Pierpaolo Di Cocco, Diego di Sabato, Geraldine Diaz, Morgan Dudkowski, Elizabeth Eagle, Daniel Eisenson, Jean C. Emond, Sukru Emre, Bo-Göran Ericzon, Sander S. Florman, Chris E. Freise, Jiri Fronek, John J. Fung, Lucrezia Furian, Armando Ganoza, L. Genedy, Germani Giacomo, Mariano Cesare Giglio, David Gorrell, Rainer W.G. Gruessner, Angelika C. Gruessner, Koji Hashimoto, Natalie Heffron, Thomas G. Heffron, Julie Heimbach, Joanna Hester, Taizo Hibi, Hirofumi Hirao, Abhinav Humar, Shin Hwang, Samuele Iesari, Volkan Ince, Burak Isik, Fadi Issa, Cheryl Jacobs, Stina Järvholm, Hoonbae Jeon, Liza Johannesson, Ann Kalis, Alyson Kaplan, Khalid Khan, Ajai Khanna, Ki H. Kim, Wan-Joon Kim, Haley Kittle, Stuart Knechtle, Sean Koppe, Ali Kord, Jakub Kristek, Shiva Kumar, Jerzy W. Kupiec-Weglinski, John Lake, John C. LaMattina, Sung-Gyu Lee, Jan Lerut, Tsan-Shiun Lin, Emanuela Lo Bianco, Chung Mau Lo, Massimo Malago, Saad Malik, Daniel G. Maluf, Lancelot Marique, Dominique E. Martin, George V. Mazariegos, George Mazariegos, Oliver McCallion, Lisa A. McGraw, Raphael P.H. Meier, Jonathan Merola, Charles Miller, Deok-Bog Moon, Hunter B. Moore, Yannick D. Muller, Silvio Nadalin, Ahmed A. Nada, Kojiro Nakamura, Brenda M. Ogle, Yasuhiro Ogura, Michael Olausson, Kim M. Olthoff, Aldwin Ong, Philippe Paci, Jorge A. Piedrahita, Antonio Pinna, Thierry Pirotte, Alejandro Pita, Jeffrey L. Platt, Elizabeth Anne Pomfret, James J. Pomposelli, Cristiano Quintini, Raymond Reding, John F. Renz, Michael D. Rizzari, John P. Roberts, Francine Roggen, Garrett R. Roll, David Sachs, David M. Salerno, Benjamin Samstein, Robin Schmitz, Nazia Selzner, Marco Senzolo, Tayfun Sonmez, Peter G. Stock, Parissa Tabrizian, Roberto Tambucci, Koichi Tanaka, Giuliano Testa, Sarang Thaker, Mary Thomson, Marie Tranäng, Roberto I. Troisi, Kiara A. Tulla, Madeline Tully, John Tumeh, Ivo Tzvetanov, Veysel Umman, Utku Unver, Prashanth Vallabhajosyula, Nabeel Wahid, Henryk E. Wilczek, Nicola Williams, Julia Xie, Kazuhiko Yamada, Sezai Yilmaz, Alberto Zanetto, Gianluigi Zaza, Murat Zeytunlu| | UCSF Research Profile
  11. Diabetes Insipidus in Deceased Donors and Outcomes in Kidney Transplant Recipients.
    Nunez M, Gardner J, Syed S, Webber A, Shoji J, Copeland TP, McCulloch CE, Ku E, Roll GR| | PubMed
  12. Angiotensin II in liver transplantation (AngLT-1): protocol of a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.
    Bokoch MP, Tran AT, Brinson EL, Marcus SG, Reddy M, Sun E, Roll GR, Pardo M, Fields S, Adelmann D, Kothari RP, Legrand M| | PubMed
  13. Preserved 2-y Liver Transplant Outcomes Following Simultaneous Thoracoabdominal DCD Organ Procurement Despite Effects on Liver Utilization Rate.
    Wisel SA, Steggerda JA, Thiessen C, Roll GR, Chen Q, Thomas J, Kaur B, Catarino P, Chikwe J, Kim IK| | PubMed
  14. Cost Saving in the Operating Room: Scoping Review of Surgical Scorecards.
    Dixon W, Ndovu A, Faust M, Sathe T, Boscardin C, Roll GR, Wang K, Gandhi S| | PubMed
  15. Expanding Access to Organ Transplant for People Living With HIV: Can Policy Catch Up to Outcomes Data?
    Chandran S, Stock PG, Roll GR| | PubMed
  16. DCD liver transplant in patients with a MELD over 35.
    Meier RPH, Nunez M, Syed SM, Feng S, Tavakol M, Freise CE, Roberts JP, Ascher NL, Hirose R, Roll GR| | PubMed
  17. Normothermic Machine Perfusion of Donor Livers for Transplantation in the United States: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
    Chapman WC, Barbas AS, D'Alessandro AM, Vianna R, Kubal CA, Abt P, Sonnenday C, Barth R, Alvarez-Casas J, Yersiz H, Eckhoff D, Cannon R, Genyk Y, Sher L, Singer A, Feng S, Roll G, Cohen A, Doyle MB, Sudan DL, Al-Adra D, Khan A, Subramanian V, Abraham N, Olthoff K, Tekin A, Berg L, Coussios C, Morris C, Randle L, Friend P, Knechtle SJ| | PubMed
  18. Real-world implementation of normothermic machine perfusion: A detailed analysis of intraoperative and early postoperative impact.
    Dixon W, Sheetz K, Adelmann D, Bokoch M, Reddy M, Kothari R, Roberts JP, Syed S, Feng S, Roll G| | PubMed
  19. A Multi-Modal Approach to Islet and Pancreas Transplantation With Calcineurin-Sparing Immunosuppression Maintains Long-Term Insulin Independence in Patients With Type I Diabetes.
    Wisel SA, Posselt AM, Szot GL, Nunez M, Santos-Parker K, Gardner JM, Worner G, Roll GR, Syed S, Kelly Y, Ward C, Tavakol M, Johnson K, Masharani U, Stock PG| | PubMed
  20. Pulmonary Injury Causing a Massive Air Leak During Liver Transplantation: A Case Report and Discussion of Decision-Making.
    Mavrothalassitis O, Marcus SG, Roll GR, Tallarico RT, Bokoch MP| | PubMed
  21. Steroid Avoidance After Adult Living Donor Liver Transplant: A Cohort Analysis.
    Nunez M, Praglin CR, Torres AM, Agudelo EZ, Braun HJ, Huang CY, Syed S, Roberts JP, Roll GR| | PubMed
  22. Advances and innovations in living donor liver transplant techniques, matching and surgical training: Meeting report from the living donor liver transplant consensus conference.
    Sturdevant M, Ganesh S, Samstein B, Verna EC, Rodriguez-Davalos M, Kumar V, Abouljoud M, Andacoglu O, Askar M, Broering D, Emamaullee J, Emond JC, Haugen CE, Jesse MT, Kasahara M, Liapakis A, Mandelbrot D, Pillai A, Roll GR, Selzner N, Emre S, AST LDLT Consensus Conference Working Group| | PubMed
  23. COVID-19 infection and vaccination rarely impact HLA antibody profile in waitlisted renal transplant candidates- a multicenter cohort.
    Roll GR, Bray RA, Cooper M, Eagar TN, Gebel HM, Vranic GM, Hitchman KMK, Houp J, Kamoun M, Killian J, Kim J, Kumar V, Levine M, Lovasik BP, Lunow-Luke T, Parsons RF, Pattanayak V, Ranch D, Shah A, Stock PG, Timofeeva OA, Trofe-Clark J, Wongjirad C, Yeh H, Yi S, Rajalingam R| | PubMed
  24. Number of Local Regional Therapies for Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Peri-Operative Outcomes after Liver Transplantation.
    Brown AE, Shui AM, Adelmann D, Mehta N, Roll GR, Hirose R, Syed SM| | PubMed
  25. Simultaneous thoracic and abdominal donation after circulatory death organ recovery: the abdominal surgeon's perspective.
    Thiessen C, Wisel SA, Roll GR| | PubMed
  26. Comparison of Biliary Complications Rates After Brain Death, Donation After Circulatory Death, and Living-Donor Liver Transplantation: A Single-Center Cohort Study.
    Meier RPH, Kelly Y, Braun H, Maluf D, Freise C, Ascher N, Roberts J, Roll G| | PubMed
  27. Diabetes-free survival among living kidney donors and non-donors with obesity: A longitudinal cohort study.
    Killian AC, Reed RD, McLeod MC, MacLennan PA, Kumar V, Pittman SE, Maynor AG, Stanford LA, Baker GA, Schinstock CA, Silkensen JR, Roll GR, Segev DL, Orandi BJ, Lewis CE, Locke JE| | PubMed
  28. Which recipient pretransplant factors, such as MELD, renal function, sarcopenia, and recent sepsis influence suitability for and outcome after living donor liver transplantation? A systematic review of the literature and expert panel recommendations.
    Roll GR, Spiro M, Raptis DA, Jalal A, Yan CT, Olthoff KM, Caicedo JC, Lee KW, Yagi S, Cattral MS, Soin AS, Working Group| | PubMed
  29. 214.1: Strategies to Achieve Long-term Insulin Independence Using a Multimodal Approach to Beta-cell Replacement in Patients With Type I Diabetes.
    Steven Wisel, Miguel Nunez, James M Gardner, Giulia Worner, Garrett R Roll, Shareef M Syed, Gregory Szot, Medhi Tokhol, Kristina Johnson, Umesh Masharani, Andrew M Posselt, Peter G Stock| | UCSF Research Profile
  30. 335.4: Use of Donation After Circulatory Death Donors for High Model for End-Stage Liver Disease Recipients.
    Raphael Meier, Miguel Nunez, Shareef Syed, Chris Freise, John Roberts, Nancy Ascher, Ryutaro Hirose, Garrett Roll| | UCSF Research Profile
  31. Change in Body Mass Index and Attributable Risk of New-Onset Hypertension Among Obese Living Kidney Donors.
    Reed RD, McLeod MC, MacLennan PA, Kumar V, Pittman SE, Maynor AG, Stanford LA, Baker GA, Schinstock CA, Silkensen JR, Roll GR, Segev DL, Orandi BJ, Lewis CE, Locke JE| | PubMed
  32. In quest of the what, when, and where for machine perfusion dynamic liver preservation: Carpe diem!
    Roll GR, Quintini C, Reich DJ| | PubMed
  33. Nodular Regenerative Hyperplasia After Liver Transplant; It's All in the Presentation.
    Chen AK, Lunow-Luke T, Yamaguchi S, Praglin C, Agudelo E, Mehta N, Dirks R, Braun HJ, Gardner JM, Roberts JP, Syed SM, Roll GR| | PubMed
  34. Therapeutic Living Donor Nephrectomy for Proximal Ureteral Pathology: A Longitudinal Case Series.
    Freise J, Nunez M, Chi T, Stoller M, Freise C, Roll GR| | PubMed
  35. Kidney transplant candidacy evaluation and waitlisting practices in the United States and their association with access to transplantation.
    Whelan AM, Johansen KL, Copeland T, McCulloch CE, Nallapothula D, Lee BK, Roll GR, Weir MR, Adey DB, Ku E| | PubMed
  36. Risk aversion in the use of complex kidneys in paired exchange programs: Opportunities for even more transplants?
    Roll GR, Cooper M, Verbesey J, Veale JL, Ronin M, Irish W, Waterman AD, Flechner SM, Leeser DB| | PubMed
  37. Impact of Portable Normothermic Blood-Based Machine Perfusion on Outcomes of Liver Transplant: The OCS Liver PROTECT Randomized Clinical Trial.
    Markmann JF, Abouljoud MS, Ghobrial RM, Bhati CS, Pelletier SJ, Lu AD, Ottmann S, Klair T, Eymard C, Roll GR, Magliocca J, Pruett TL, Reyes J, Black SM, Marsh CL, Schnickel G, Kinkhabwala M, Florman SS, Merani S, Demetris AJ, Kimura S, Rizzari M, Saharia A, Levy M, Agarwal A, Cigarroa FG, Eason JD, Syed S, Washburn WK, Parekh J, Moon J, Maskin A, Yeh H, Vagefi PA, MacConmara MP| | PubMed
  38. Toward a more efficient organ placement system (and defeating FOMO).
    Roll GR, Hirose R| | PubMed
  39. Advantages and Limitations of Clinical Scores for Donation After Circulatory Death Liver Transplantation.
    Meier RPH, Kelly Y, Yamaguchi S, Braun HJ, Lunow-Luke T, Adelmann D, Niemann C, Maluf DG, Dietch ZC, Stock PG, Kang SM, Feng S, Posselt AM, Gardner JM, Syed SM, Hirose R, Freise CE, Ascher NL, Roberts JP, Roll GR| | PubMed
  40. An Analysis of Free-Text Refusals as an Indicator of Readiness to Accept Organ Offers in Liver Transplantation.
    Ge J, Ku E, Roll GR, Lai JC| | PubMed
  41. Motivations and outcomes of compatible living donor-recipient pairs in paired exchange.
    Chipman V, Cooper M, Thomas AG, Ronin M, Lee B, Flechner S, Leeser D, Segev DL, Mandelbrot DA, Lunow-Luke T, Syed S, Hil G, Freise CE, Waterman AD, Roll GR| | PubMed
  42. Bariatric surgery prior to transplantation and risk of early hospital re-admission, graft failure, or death following kidney transplantation.
    Ku E, McCulloch CE, Roll GR, Posselt A, Grimes BA, Johansen KL| | PubMed
  43. Discrepant subtyping of blood type A2 living kidney donors: Missed opportunities in kidney transplantation.
    Garg N, Warnke L, Redfield RR, Miller KM, Cooper M, Roll GR, Chipman V, Thomas A, Leeser D, Waterman AD, Mandelbrot DA| | PubMed
  44. With the Proven Tenacity of Waitlist Mortality, Shouldn't We Resist the Urge to Make Mountains Out of Survival Statistic Molehills?
    Roll GR, Roberts JP| | PubMed
  45. Navigating in the Dark, Challenges Assessing the Liver-kidney Safety Net.
    Roll GR, Safa K, Yeh H| | PubMed
  46. Retransplantation After Living Donor Liver Transplantation: Data from the Adult to Adult Living Donor Liver Transplantation Study.
    Braun HJ, Grab JD, Dodge JL, Syed SM, Roll GR, Schwab MP, Liu IH, Glencer AC, Freise CE, Roberts JP, Ascher NL| | PubMed
  47. A case report: anaphylaxis to cefazolin during renal transplant surgery.
    Hemati K, Gierat S, Roll GR, Barreto Chang OL| | PubMed
  48. Standardizing Discharge Opioid Prescriptions in Kidney Transplant Patients Decreases Opioid Usage.
    Schwab ME, Braun HJ, Quan D, Roll GR, Budanova N, Ascher NL, Hirose R| | PubMed
  49. COVID-19 does not impact HLA antibody profile in a series of waitlisted renal transplant candidates.
    Roll GR, Lunow-Luke T, Braun HJ, Buenaventura O, Mallari M, Stock PG, Rajalingam R| | PubMed
  50. Association between Longer Travel Distance for Transplant Care and Access to Kidney Transplantation and Graft Survival in the United States.
    Whelan AM, Johansen KL, Brar S, McCulloch CE, Adey DB, Roll GR, Grimes B, Ku E| | PubMed
  51. Understanding the Final Disposition of Livers Declined After the Start of Procurement: A Nationwide Organ Procurement Organization Effort.
    Neidlinger NA, Brown C, Wood P, Traseger J, Lebovitz D, Cauwels R, Syed S, Parekh JR, Roll GR| | PubMed
  52. Metastatic Donor-derived Malignancies Following Simultaneous Pancreas-kidney Transplant: Three Case Reports and Management Strategies.
    Amara D, Wisel SA, Braun HJ, Collisson EA, Friedlander T, Worner G, Roll GR, Hirose R, Stock PG| | PubMed
  53. Weighing the waitlist: Weight changes and access to kidney transplantation among obese candidates.
    Ku E, Whelan AM, McCulloch CE, Lee B, Niemann CU, Roll GR, Grimes BA, Johansen KL| | PubMed
  54. COVID-19 and Abdominal Transplant: A Stepwise Approach to Practice During Pandemic Conditions.
    Syed SM, Gardner J, Roll G, Webber A, Mehta N, Shoji J, Adelmann D, Niemann C, Braun HJ, Mello A, Yao F, Posselt A, Kang SM, Hirose R, Roberts J, Feng S, Ascher N, Stock P, Freise C| | PubMed
  55. The Association Between Vena Cava Implantation Technique and Acute Kidney Injury After Liver Transplantation.
    Hannon V, Kothari RP, Zhang L, Bokoch MP, Hill R, Roll GR, Mello A, Feiner JR, Liu KD, Niemann CU, Adelmann D| | PubMed
  56. Longer Distance From Dialysis Facility to Transplant Center Is Associated With Lower Access to Kidney Transplantation.
    Whelan AM, Johansen KL, McCulloch CE, Adelmann D, Niemann CU, Roll GR, Siyahian S, Grimes B, Ku E| | PubMed
    Raphael Meier, Yvonne Kelly, Seiji Yamagushi, Hillary Braun, Shareef Syed, Chris Freise, Nancy Ascher, John Roberts, Garrett Roll| | UCSF Research Profile
  58. Donation After Circulatory Death Is Associated With Similar Posttransplant Survival in All but the Highest-Risk Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients.
    Silverstein J, Roll G, Dodge JL, Grab JD, Yao FY, Mehta N| | PubMed
  59. Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Kidney Transplant Access Within a Theoretical Context of Medical Eligibility.
    Ku E, Lee BK, McCulloch CE, Roll GR, Grimes B, Adey D, Johansen KL| | PubMed
  60. Trends in Living Donation by Race and Ethnicity Among Children With End-stage Renal Disease in the United States, 1995-2015.
    Amaral S, McCulloch CE, Black E, Winnicki E, Lee B, Roll GR, Grimes B, Ku E| | PubMed
  61. A Virtual Crossmatch-based Strategy Facilitates Sharing of Deceased Donor Kidneys for Highly Sensitized Recipients.
    Roll GR, Webber AB, Gae DH, Laszik Z, Tavakol M, Mayen L, Cunniffe K, Syed S, Hirose R, Freise C, Feng S, Roberts JP, Ascher NL, Stock PG, Rajalingam R| | PubMed
  62. Ingenol mebutate 0·015% gel is safe for short-term treatment of actinic keratoses on the face in solid organ transplant recipients.
    Crow LD, Yuan JT, Aroyan CS, Twigg AR, Singer JP, Roll GR, Lazar AA, Arron ST| | PubMed
  63. Donation after circulatory death liver transplantation: What are the limits for an acceptable DCD graft?
    Kubal C, Roll GR, Ekser B, Muiesan P| | PubMed
  64. Long-term follow-up of beta cell replacement therapy in 10 HIV-infected patients with renal failure secondary to type 1 diabetes mellitus.
    Roll GR, Posselt AM, Freise J, Baird J, Syed S, Mo Kang S, Hirose R, Szot GL, Zarinsefat A, Feng S, Worner G, Sarwal M, Stock PG| | PubMed
  65. Living Donor Liver Transplant for Alcoholic Liver Disease: Data from the Adult-to-adult Living Donor Liver Transplantation Study.
    Braun HJ, Dodge JL, Grab JD, Syed SM, Roll GR, Freise CE, Roberts JP, Ascher NL| | PubMed
  66. An Update on Machine Preservation of the Liver.
    Roll GR| | PubMed
  67. Initial skin cancer screening for solid organ transplant recipients in the United States: Delphi method development of expert consensus guidelines.
    Crow LD, Jambusaria-Pahlajani A, Chung CL, Baran DA, Lowenstein SE, Abdelmalek M, Ahmed RL, Anadkat MJ, Arcasoy SM, Berg D, Bibee KP, Billingsley E, Black WH, Blalock TW, Bleicher M, Brennan DC, Brodland DG, Brown MR, Carroll BT, Carucci JA, Chang TW, Chaux G, Cusack CA, Dilling DF, Doyle A, Emtiazjoo AM, Ferguson NH, Fosko SW, Fox MC, Goral S, Gray AL, Griffin JR, Hachem RR, Hall SA, Hanlon AM, Hayes D, Hickey GW, Holtz J, Hopkins RS, Hu J, Huang CC, Brian Jiang SI, Kapnadak SG, Kraus ES, Lease ED, Leca N, Lee JC, Leitenberger JJ, Lim MA, Longo MI, Malik SM, Mallea JM, Menter A, Myers SA, Neuburg M, Nijhawan RI, Norman DJ, Otley CC, Paek SY, Parulekar AD, Patel MJ, Patel VA, Patton TJ, Pugliano-Mauro M, Ranganna K, Ravichandran AK, Redenius R, Roll GR, Samie FH, Shin T, Singer JP, Singh P, Soon SL, Soriano T, Squires R, Stasko T, Stein JA, Taler SJ, Terrault NA, Thomas CP, Tokman S, Tomic R, Twigg AR, Wigger MA, Zeitouni NC, Arron ST| | PubMed
  68. The effect of an organ procurement experience on preclinical medical student perceptions of transplant surgery.
    Feinstein MA, Marcus SG, Amara DP, Durcanova B, Roll GR, Orandi BJ| | PubMed
  69. Association of HLA Antigen Mismatch With Risk of Developing Skin Cancer After Solid-Organ Transplant.
    Gao Y, Twigg AR, Hirose R, Roll GR, Nowacki AS, Maytin EV, Vidimos AT, Rajalingam R, Arron ST| | PubMed
  70. Split Liver Transplantation and Pediatric Waitlist Mortality in the United States: Potential for Improvement.
    Perito ER, Roll G, Dodge JL, Rhee S, Roberts JP| | PubMed
  71. Chapter 132 Hepatocellular Carcinoma.
    Garrett Richard Roll, John Paul Roberts| | UCSF Research Profile
  72. The Impact of Deceased Donor Liver Extraction Time on Early Allograft Function in Adult Liver Transplant Recipients.
    Adelmann D, Roll GR, Kothari R, Syed S, Burdine LJ, Tavakol M, Niemann CU| | PubMed
  73. Potential for overlooked melanoma in solid organ donors with a severely dysplastic nevus.
    Juszczak H, Lowenstein SE, Crow L, Roll GR, McCalmont TH, Arron ST| | PubMed
  74. Adult Living-Donor Liver Transplantation: Left Lobe.
    Hillary J. Braun, Garrett R. Roll, John Paul Roberts| | UCSF Research Profile
  75. Living Donor Liver Transplantation for Alcoholic Liver Disease.
    Hillary Braun, Jennifer L. Dodge, Josh D. Grab, Shareef M. Syed, Garrett R. Roll, Chris E. Freise, John P. Roberts, Nancy L. Ascher| | UCSF Research Profile
  76. Retransplantation after Living Donor Liver Transplantation.
    Garrett R. Roll, Hillary Braun, Josh D. Grab, Jennifer L. Dodge, Shareef M. Syed, Chris E. Freise, John P. Roberts, Nancy L. Ascher| | UCSF Research Profile
  77. Successful Deceased Donor Kidney Transplantation of Highly Sensitized Candidates Across Positive Cross Match and Strong Donor-Specific HLA-DP Antibodies without Desensitization.
    Raja Rajalingam, David D Gae, Zoltan G Laszik, Mehdi M Tavakol, Allison B Webber, Deján Dobi, Kelly Cunniffe, Gilberto da Gente, Ryutaro Hirose, Garrett Roll, John P Roberts| | UCSF Research Profile
  78. Virtual Crossmatch Permits Kidney Sharing; Avoiding Transplant into Unintended Recipients.
    Garrett R Roll, Allison B Weber, D Gae, Hillary J Braun, L Mayen, V Corpuz, Nancy L Ascher, John P Roberts, Peter G Stock, R Rajalingam| | UCSF Research Profile
  79. Intraoperative Management of Liver Transplant Patients Without the Routine Use of Renal Replacement Therapy.
    Adelmann D, Olmos A, Liu LL, Feiner JR, Roll GR, Burdine L, Tavakol M, Syed S, Orandi BJ, Niemann CU| | PubMed
  80. Central venous pressure monitoring in living donor kidney recipients does not affect immediate graft function: A propensity score analysis.
    Adelmann D, Bicknell L, Niemann CU, Feiner J, Roll GR, Burdine L, Whitlock EL| | PubMed
  81. Normothermic machine perfusion of the liver.
    Mergental H, Roll GR| | PubMed
  82. Surgical Options in Liver Cancers.
    Garrett R. Roll, John Paul Roberts| | UCSF Research Profile
  83. Splenic Vein Thrombosis Following Pancreas Transplantation: Identification of Factors That Support Conservative Management.
    Harbell JW, Morgan T, Feldstein VA, Roll GR, Posselt A, Kang SM, Feng S, Hirose R, Freise CE, Stock P| | PubMed
  84. Pancreas-After-Islet Transplantation in Nonuremic Type 1 Diabetes: A Strategy for Restoring Durable Insulin Independence.
    Wisel SA, Gardner JM, Roll GR, Harbell J, Freise CE, Feng S, Kang SM, Hirose R, Kaufman DB, Posselt AM, Stock PG| | PubMed
  85. Intention to Split Policy: A Successful Strategy in a Combined Pediatric and Adult Liver Transplant Center.
    Battula NR, Platto M, Anbarasan R, Perera MT, Ong E, Roll GR, Ferraz Neto BH, Mergental H, Isaac J, Muiesan P, Sharif K, Mirza DF| | PubMed
  86. Chapter 115A Liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma.
    Garrett Richard Roll, John Paul Roberts| | UCSF Research Profile
  87. Preoperative Thromboelastography as a Sensitive Tool Predicting Those at Risk of Developing Early Hepatic Artery Thrombosis After Adult Liver Transplantation.
    Zahr Eldeen F, Roll GR, Derosas C, Rao R, Khan MS, Gunson BK, Hodson J, Mergental H, Ferraz-Neto BH, Isaac J, Muiesan P, Mirza DF, Iqbal A, Perera MT| | PubMed
  88. Kidney transplantation of highly sensitized recipients under the new kidney allocation system: A reflection from five different transplant centers across the United States.
    Parsons RF, Locke JE, Redfield RR, Roll GR, Levine MH| | PubMed
  89. Effect of moderately intense perioperative glucose control on renal allograft function: a pilot randomized controlled trial in renal transplantation.
    Parekh J, Roll GR, Wisel S, Rushakoff RJ, Hirose R| | PubMed
  90. Long-term follow-up after endovascular treatment of hepatic venous outflow obstruction following liver transplantation.
    Pitchaimuthu M, Roll GR, Zia Z, Olliff S, Mehrzad H, Hodson J, Gunson BK, Perera MT, Isaac JR, Muiesan P, Mirza DF, Mergental H| | PubMed
  91. Strategies to improve outcomes for hepatitis C virus/human immunodeficiency virus coinfected liver transplant candidates.
    Roll GR, Stock PG| | PubMed
  92. Biliary complications following living donor hepatectomy.
    Braun HJ, Ascher NL, Roll GR, Roberts JP| | PubMed
  93. Impact of Graft Selection on Donor and Recipient Outcomes After Living Donor Liver Transplantation.
    Braun HJ, Dodge JL, Roll GR, Freise CE, Ascher NL, Roberts JP| | PubMed
  94. Accepting multiple simultaneous liver offers does not negatively impact transplant outcomes.
    Eldeen FZ, Mourad MM, Bhandari M, Roll G, Gunson B, Mergental H, Bramhall S, Isaac J, Muiesan P, Mirza DF, Perera MT| | PubMed
  95. First human liver transplantation using a marginal allograft resuscitated by normothermic machine perfusion.
    Perera T, Mergental H, Stephenson B, Roll GR, Cilliers H, Liang R, Angelico R, Hubscher S, Neil DA, Reynolds G, Isaac J, Adams DA, Afford S, Mirza DF, Muiesan P| | PubMed
  96. The safety and efficacy of proximal splenic artery embolization after liver transplantation are still not clearly defined.
    Roll GR, Muiesan P| | PubMed
  97. Brief report: Parthenogenetic embryonic stem cells are an effective cell source for therapeutic liver repopulation.
    Espejel S, Eckardt S, Harbell J, Roll GR, McLaughlin KJ, Willenbring H| | PubMed
  98. Emesis following laparoscopic left donor nephrectomy.
    Luu HY, Ulloa JG, Roll GR, Freise CE| | PubMed
  99. Failure to achieve normal metabolic response in non-obese diabetic mice and streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice after transplantation of primary murine hepatocytes electroporated with the human proinsulin gene (p3MTChins).
    Lee RH, Roll G, Nguyen V, Willenbring H, Tang Q, Kang SM, Stock PG| | PubMed
  100. Case report of intestinal tuberculosis 6 years after simultaneous pancreas and kidney transplant.
    Ulloa JG, Parekh J, Hope C, Roll GR| | PubMed
  101. Left versus right lobe liver donation.
    Roll GR, Roberts JP| | PubMed
  102. Peri-operative hyperglycemia is associated with delayed graft function in deceased donor renal transplantation.
    Parekh J, Roll GR, Feng S, Niemann CU, Hirose R| | PubMed
  103. Highly efficient differentiation of functional hepatocytes from human induced pluripotent stem cells.
    Ma X, Duan Y, Tschudy-Seney B, Roll G, Behbahan IS, Ahuja TP, Tolstikov V, Wang C, McGee J, Khoobyari S, Nolta JA, Willenbring H, Zern MA| | PubMed
  104. Left hepatectomy versus right hepatectomy for living donor liver transplantation: shifting the risk from the donor to the recipient.
    Roll GR, Parekh JR, Parker WF, Siegler M, Pomfret EA, Ascher NL, Roberts JP| | PubMed
  105. A microRNA-21 surge facilitates rapid cyclin D1 translation and cell cycle progression in mouse liver regeneration.
    Ng R, Song G, Roll GR, Frandsen NM, Willenbring H| | PubMed
  106. Chapter 97D Liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma.
    Garrett R. Roll, John Roberts| | UCSF Research Profile
  107. Predictors of long-term outcome after laparoscopic esophagomyotomy and Dor fundoplication for achalasia.
    Carter JT, Nguyen D, Roll GR, Ma SW, Way LW| | PubMed
  108. Better weight loss, resolution of diabetes, and quality of life for laparoscopic gastric bypass vs banding: results of a 2-cohort pair-matched study.
    Campos GM, Rabl C, Roll GR, Peeva S, Prado K, Smith J, Vittinghoff E| | PubMed
  109. Acquired A amyloidosis from injection drug use presenting with atraumatic splenic rupture in a hospitalized patient: a case report.
    Roll GR, Lee AY, Royaie K, Visser B, Hanks DK, Knudson MM, Roll FJ| | PubMed
  110. Induced pluripotent stem cell-derived hepatocytes have the functional and proliferative capabilities needed for liver regeneration in mice.
    Espejel S, Roll GR, McLaughlin KJ, Lee AY, Zhang JY, Laird DJ, Okita K, Yamanaka S, Willenbring H| | PubMed
  111. Transplanted nonviable human hepatocytes produce appreciable serum albumin levels in mice.
    Roll GR, Willenbring H| | PubMed
    G. R. Roll, A. M. Posselt, C. E. Freise, S. Kang, R. Hirose, G. Szot, S. Feng, P. Stock| | UCSF Research Profile
  113. MicroRNAs control hepatocyte proliferation during liver regeneration.
    Song G, Sharma AD, Roll GR, Ng R, Lee AY, Blelloch RH, Frandsen NM, Willenbring H| | PubMed
  114. Excellent outcomes of laparoscopic esophagomyotomy for achalasia in patients older than 60 years of age.
    Roll GR, Ma S, Gasper WJ, Patti M, Way LW, Carter J| | PubMed
  115. A controversy that has been tough to swallow: is the treatment of achalasia now digested?
    Roll GR, Rabl C, Ciovica R, Peeva S, Campos GM| | PubMed
  116. W1516 A Safe and Reproducible Anastomotic Technique for Minimally Invasive Ivor Lewis Esophagectomy – the Circular Stapled Anastomosis with the Transoral Anvil.
    Rene Ramirez, Jessica K. Smith, Sofia Peeva, Garrett R. Roll, Pierre Theodore, David Jablons, Guilherme M. Campos| | UCSF Research Profile
  117. Bilateral renal vein thrombosis secondary to membraneous glomerulonephritis: successful treatment with thrombolytic therapy.
    Weger N, Stawicki SP, Roll G, Hoddinott KM, Lukaszczyk JJ| | PubMed